Rainbow OMG Weekly Post 8/2/23

Family Friendly Farming

There are many things I really love about our business, the fresh air, sunshine, the sounds of birds, great exercise and of course the food. One element however stands out above all the rest being that I am around my wife and children all day, every day. There is nothing I treasure more than teaching my son all the practical skills that go along with running a farming venture and the best part is that we don’t have anything on the farm that is likely to harm my children. We utilise no poisons or heavy machinery, in fact most of our work is done with hand tools and wheelbarrows. In the photo above we are installing Impact Irrigation heads to water our compost area.

 This Week’s Available Produce and Supplements

Butterhead Lettuce $7.50
Garlic 200g $10
OMG Eggs $7.50
Cucumbers  $7.50
Beetroots $7.50
Cherry Tomatoes 500g $10
Beefsteak Tomatoes 500g $10
Zucchini 400g $5 
Rainbow Chard $7.50 
Celery $7.50 
Kale $7.50 
Carrots 750g $7.50 
Cod Liver Oil & Butter Oil Gel $84.90
Gardenkraut 400g – $15
Bovine Collagen Powder $10
Reishi Mushroom Capsules $35
Turmeric Capsules $35
Beef Liver Capsules $50 
Moringa Capsules $55
Sunshine Salve $100
Clean Sweep $10

This Week On YouTube

Our latest video is live on YouTube in which Jill introduces “Clean Sweep” our all natural, gut cleaning supplement.

Notes From The Garden

We are loaded with Lettuce, lots and lots of some of the best quality lettuce we have grown in a few months.

This week the Garden is providing Butterhead Lettuce, Garlic, Cucumbers, Beetroots, Tomatoes, Zucchini’s, Eggs, Rainbow Chard, Red Russian Kale, Carrots and Celery

Crops currently growing but not ready are Green Beans, Bok Choi, Capsicums, Coriander, Parsley and Basil.

Some of our products may be a little different to what customers are used to so we will be providing Product Profiles in our Weekly Post and in a dedicated page on our website. This will provide recipe ideas and nutritional information for all of the vegetables and products we offer.

Product Focus: Butterhead Lettuce
Butterhead Lettuce

Butterhead Lettuce is crisp and delicious. If you have previously only eaten Iceberg Lettuce we promise you will be delighted with this nutritionally superior alternative. Our Lettuce will last weeks, not days in the fridge so you can purchase without fear them going off soon after.

Lettuce contains the following nutrition and health benefits:

  • Vitamin’s A, K and C
  • Manganese, Iron, Potassium
  • Folate
  • Source of Antioxidants
  • Helps Prevent Bone Loss
  • Boosts Heart Health
  • Promotes Healthy Eyesight
  • Helps Prevent Aging Skin
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Assists in Treating Cancer
  • Helps Maintain Healthy Pregnancy
  • Helps Weight Loss
  • Assists Digestive Health

Here are ideas to get incorporate more Butterhead Lettuce into your diet:

  • Lettuce Tacos replace your taco shell with 1 large Butterhead Lettuce leaf for a low-carb alternative
  • Prepare a large rainbow salad for the week. Slice up Lettuce into a container and toss in shredded carrot and beetroot, store with the lid on in the fridge. This can be served out in portions throughout the week either in sandwiches, as a side for a meal or BBQ or even the base for a chicken salad
  • Chop Lettuce, Spinach and Sugar Snap Peas and mix them up. This surprising combination is quite sweet and can be used to replace pasta or rice as the base for a meat sauce or curry.
  • Make yourself a good old fashioned Bacon and Egg Roll

Order your Butterhead Lettuce today.

All items listed for $7.50 are discounted at 3 for $20 when paying with cash or cryptocurrency i.e. 1 x Rainbow Chard, 1 x Capsicum and 1 x Carrots = $20.

Please head to www.rainbowomg.com to finalise your orders by 5:00 am Friday morning. All Rainbow orders will be delivered from the new time of 1:00 pm Friday. For all clients who do not live in Rainbow, Local Pickup times can be arranged by contacting us.

We look forward to serving you,

Evan and Jill Young

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