We Grow Trees
At Rainbow OMG we take a whole ecosystem approach to farming. We understand that although our main efforts are based on annual vegetable production, it is imperative that we look at our properties as a living system, requiring multiple layers of vegetation (trees, bushes, shrubs, vines, vegetation, root crops etc), a large diversity of insects and birds above ground and an entire underworld of micro and macro-biology in the soil. In such a dry and hot area as this we view the shade and dew drop from trees as a vital part of our ongoing water management strategy. We have planted hundreds of trees so far and have no plans on slowing down. We grow almost all of our trees from seed in our Nursery and plant them out when they are ready. We would love to sell trees in the future if enough interest is shown from our customers but otherwise will grow, plant and share trees forever.
This Week’s Available Produce and Supplements
Rainbow Salad 300g $10 (2 weeks)
Spinach 200g $10
Carrots 750g $7.50
Celery $7.50
Zucchini 500g $5 (Limited)
Rainbow Chard $7.50
Sugar Snap Peas 400g $10.00 (Limited)Red Capsicum $7.50 (1-2 weeks)
Basil $5.00
Red Russian Kale $7.50 (limited)
Butterhead Lettuce $7.50
Garlic 200g $10
OMG Eggs $10Beetroots 500g $7.50
Bok Choi $7.50
Coriander $5Parsley $5
Silver Health Range $13.95-$49.95
Cod Liver Oil & Butter Oil Gel $84.90
Gardenkraut 400g $15
Bovine Collagen Powder $10
Clean Sweep $10
Reishi Mushroom Capsules $55
Turmeric Capsules $55
Beef Organ Capsules $55
Green Machine Capsules $55
Sunshine Salve $100
This Week On YouTube
Our latest video is live on YouTube in which Jill briefly talks about the role of a Guru and the gold threads of wisdom passed down . She talks attention to details and how to live the most fulfilling abundant life using the wisdom of mentors, role models and Gurus.

Notes From The Garden
This morning felt quite close to a frost and the Zucchini’s are starting to feel the cold, they are still producing but very slowly. Cucumbers are also now finished. Beetroots have been a source of frustration for us this year, most of our roots are far smaller than we ever want to offer for sale so we are fermenting or dehydrating most of them. We have a freshly transplanted bed that we are hopeful will return us to the large beetroots we grew last year.
At Rainbow OMG we plant by the Moon as much as we possible can. We do this as we recognise the centuries long wisdom of farmers observing that different stages on the Moon co-relate to growth in different parts of the plant. The cycle is Leaf, Flower, Fruit, Root, Stop.
This week is a Stop week so we have been working on infrastructure, organisation and tidy up.
This week the Garden is providing Sugar Snap Peas, Celery, Bok Choi, Spinach, Butterhead Lettuce, Garlic, Zucchini’s, Eggs, Rainbow Chard, Carrots, Red Russian Kale, Basil and Coriander.
Crops currently growing but not ready are Beetroots, Capsicums and Parsley.
Some of our products may be a little different to what customers are used to so we will be providing Product Profiles in our Weekly Post and in a dedicated page on our website. This will provide recipe ideas and nutritional information for all of the vegetables and products we offer.
Product Focus: Bok Choi

Bok Choi also known as Asian Greens are from the Brassica family of vegetable which also include Broccoli, Cabbage, Mustard etc. Our Bok Choi’s are much larger than those normally available in stores. The white stems are crisp and sweet and the greens have a mild, peppery flavour, Bok Choi grows year round in our climate so should form a staple of a seasonal, local diet.
They are yet another nutritional powerhouse containing:
- Vitamins A, K, C and B6.
- Folate, Calcium, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium and Iron.
- Assists in prevention and treatment of Cancer due as they contain glucosinolates which are sulfur-containing chemicals that when digested create other compounds such as indole, nitrile and sulforaphane which are proven to prevent and treat cancer. Yes there are other ways to treat cancer than chemotherapy.
- Low in Calories.
- Great for Heart Health, Bone Density, Eyesight, Skin and Hair Health and Boosting Immunity.
- Assists healthy pregnancy due to high levels of Folate
Here are some ideas to get more Bok Choi into your diet:
- Use in Stir Fry, Curry or Miso Soup
- Use in place of Broccoli when out of season. Bok Choi grows year round, Broccoli only grows in the cooler months in our climate
- Shred into Coleslaw
- Combine with Sugar Snap Peas or Green Beans as a low carb rice or noodle alternative
- Make your own ferments such as Kimchi
Order your Bok Choi today.
All items listed for $7.50 are available at a discount of 3 for $20 when paying with cash or Bitcoin i.e. 1 x Rainbow Chard, 1 x Capsicum and 1 x Carrots = $20.
Please head to www.rainbowomg.com to finalise your orders by 5:00 am Friday morning. All orders will be delivered from 1:00 pm Friday starting in Rainbow.
We look forward to serving you,
Evan and Jill Young