Rainbow OMG Weekly Post 18/1/23

Improving Infrastructure

There are many, many facets to Rainbow OMG as a business. In order to be profitable from such a small piece of land (we farm roughly 1/4 Acre) we need cover all aspects of farming including soil preparation, making compost, applying Biodynamic Preparations, seeding, transplanting, weeding, watering and irrigation, pest control, pruning, harvesting, washing and packing, sales, marketing, deliveries, book keeping, website creation and management, carpentry, plumbing and more. We love the challenge and diversity of tasks required throughout each day, no day is ever the same or boring which is more than I can say about almost every job I have ever had. We are building the Good Life, thank you for helping us get there.

This Week’s Available Produce and Supplements

Garlic 200g $10
OMG Eggs $7.50
Cucumbers $7.50
Beetroots $7.50
Cherry Tomatoes 500g $10
Beefsteak Tomatoes 500g $10
Zucchini 400g $5 
Green Beans 500g $10
Rainbow Chard $7.50 
Celery $7.50 
Kale $7.50 
Carrots 750g $7.50 
Coriander – $5
Gardenkraut 400g – $15
Bovine Collagen Powder $10
Reishi Mushroom Capsules $35
Turmeric Capsules $35
Beef Liver Capsules $50 
Moringa Capsules $55
Sunshine Salve $100
Clean Sweep $10

 Notes From The Garden

As this was a Stop Week in the Lunar Calendar our focus has been on improving infrastructure and we certainly have done that. With the help of 6 other people we carried two 1200 Litre Commercial Fridge and Freezers through a window and back to our wash station, we improved the shade and shelter in our wash station, built three new nursery racks from old shuttle cages and some scrap mesh screens and fixed a few leaks in the pipes at the farm. All in all we achieved lot in a few days and have actually had a very good 2023 so far.  

This week the Garden is providing Garlic, Cucumbers, Beetroots, Tomatoes, Zucchini’s, Eggs, Rainbow Chard, Red Russian Kale, Carrots and Celery

Crops currently growing but not ready are Butterhead Lettuce, Green Beans, Bok Choi, Capsicums, Cucumbers, Corn, Coriander, Parsley and Basil.

Some of our products may be a little different to what customers are used to so we will be providing Product Profiles in our Weekly Post and in a dedicated page on our website. This will provide recipe ideas and nutritional information for all of the vegetables and products we offer.

Product Focus: Celery

Celery needs no introduction to most people however it is worth noting that it is one of the more heavily sprayed vegetables in Chemical Agriculture with most testing of off the shelf Celery returning residues of one or more Biocides (Life Killers) such as Herbicide or Pesticide. Celery is a crop where eating Organic is very important. Our Celery is a deeper green than most and is delicious.

Celery can contain the following nutritional and health benefits:

  • Vitamin’s K, A and C
  • Folate and Riboflavin
  • Potassium, Manganese, Calcium and Magnesium
  • High in Fibre and Electrolytes
  • May Help Lower High Cholesterol and Blood Sugar
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Assists in Preventing or Treating Hypertension
  • Assists in Preventing Ulcers
  • Protects Liver Health
  • Supports Digestion and Reduces Bloating
  • Contains Antimicrobial Properties that Fight Infections
  • Assists in Preventing Urinary Tract Infections
  • May Have Anti-Cancer Effects

Here are some ideas to get more Celery into your diet:

  • Chopped Celery along with Onions, Carrots and Garlic form the base of almost every cooked meal, in French Cooking this is called a “Mirepoix”
  • Slice thin strips to use with your favourite dip and replace biscuits or chips
  • Cut small sections and fill with Peanut Butter for a nutritious snack
  • Save your leaves and stems to use when making Chicken or Beef Stock

Order you Celery today.

All items listed for $7.50 are discounted at 3 for $20 when paying with cash or cryptocurrency i.e. 1 x Rainbow Chard, 1 x Capsicum and 1 x Carrots = $20.

Please head to www.rainbowomg.com to finalise your orders by 5:00 am Friday morning. All Rainbow orders will be delivered from the new time of 1:00 pm Friday. For all clients who do not live in Rainbow, Local Pickup times can be arranged by contacting us.

We look forward to serving you,

Evan and Jill Young

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