Rainbow OMG Weekly Post 3/5/23

The Veggie Van Has Landed

Some of our readers may be unaware that we launched our business while all of Victoria was in Lockdown for COVID in 2021. We had to pivot from having a public open day to launch our business to offering home delivery only as we were not allowed near anyone. Even after Lockdown’s were lifted for most people we were locked out of almost all social settings and community groups, forced to keep reaching out to people in the only way we had available, online.

Now that almost all government imposed restrictions around COVID have been lifted we are finally in a position to pivot again and will soon have a public facing shopfront for locals and tourists alike. 

Enter the Veggie Van! This beautiful old caravan pictured above will live across the road from our Farm in Rigg St, Rainbow. It will be open for business Fridays and Saturdays (hours to be determined) and will have a phone number to call for times when the Van is closed. We are making ourselves more available in order to service locals who don’t use computers much and the large amount of caravan traffic that drives through Rainbow every day.

 This Week’s Available Produce and Supplements

Rainbow Salad 300g $10 
Spinach 200g $10
Carrots 750g $7.50
Celery $7.50
Zucchini 500g $5
Rainbow Chard $7.50 
Sugar Snap Peas 400g $10.00 (limited)
Red Capsicum $7.50 (1-2 weeks)
Basil $5.00 (limited)
Red Russian Kale $7.50 (limited)
Butterhead Lettuce $7.50
Garlic 200g $10
OMG Eggs $10
Cucumbers 500g  $7.50
Beetroots 500g $7.50 (limited)
Bok Choi $7.50
Coriander $5
Parsley $5 (limited)
Silver Health Range $13.95-$49.95 
Cod Liver Oil & Butter Oil Gel $84.90
Gardenkraut 400g $15 (1-2 weeks)
Bovine Collagen Powder $10
Clean Sweep $10
Reishi Mushroom Capsules $55
Turmeric Capsules $55
Beef Organ Capsules $55 
Green Machine Capsules $55
Sunshine Salve $100

This Week On YouTube

Our latest video is live on YouTube in which Jill discusses our latest farm business update, staying present and how to gracefully sail through life transitions with an open mind and heart.

Notes From The Garden

We have officially said goodbye to our tomatoes for the season. This was a very poor year for tomatoes for us, there are various reasons for this and we look forward to a bountiful Tomatoe harvest next Summer. We have a lot of Green Capsicums slowly ripening in the Greenhouse, they should survive all Winter under protection. Spinach, Lettuce, Bok Choi, Celery, Carrots and Rainbow Chard are all looking great and in abundance.

At Rainbow OMG we plant by the Moon as much as we possible can. We do this as we recognise the centuries long wisdom of farmers observing that different stages on the Moon co-relate to growth in different parts of the plant. The cycle is Leaf, Flower, Fruit, Root, Stop. 

This week is a Flower and Fruit week so we have transplanted Broccoli, direct seeded Sugar Snap Peas with Coriander and in the Nursery we have seeded, Broccoli and some Carob Trees.

This week the Garden is providing Sugar Snap Peas, Celery, Bok Choi, Beetroots, Spinach, Butterhead Lettuce, Garlic, Zucchini’s, Eggs, Rainbow Chard, Cucumbers, Carrots, Red Russian Kale, Basil, Parsley and Coriander.

Crops currently growing but not ready are Capsicums.

Some of our products may be a little different to what customers are used to so we will be providing Product Profiles in our Weekly Post and in a dedicated page on our website. This will provide recipe ideas and nutritional information for all of the vegetables and products we offer.

Product Focus: Coriander

Coriander is a small green herb that looks quite similar to flat leaf Parsley. In Australia we generally use Coriander to describe the herb (fresh leaves) and the ground seeds as a spice while other countries use the term Cilantro to describe the leaves. Coriander is used extensively in Indian foods and in fact in most Asian cooking in general, it is also used in Mexican dished like tacos. It has a unique flavour and has the ability to transform a meal into something special. More than just a garnish Coriander, like all herbs, should be used and eaten in larger quantities than most people tend to serve so we encourage customers to use more than you might think per person.

Here is the best part, Coriander is a very potent natural healer both in nutritional profile and its ability to detox the body. Coriander contains:

  • Vitamins K, A, C and E
  • Calcium, Iron, Phosphorous and Potassium
  • Assists the body rid itself of heavy metals such as Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Aluminium and Mercury (Most people have at least one of these accumulating in their bodies)
  • Protects against oxidative stress
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Lowers Blood Sugar
  • Supports Heart Health
  • Reduces Urinary Tract Infections
  • Settles an upset stomach
  • Protects against Food Poisoning
  • Protects against Colon Cancer
  • Can be used to soothe skin irritations

Here are some ideas to get more Coriander into your diet:

  • Add a good amount of freshly chopped leaves on top of each bowl when serving your favourite Curry or Stir Fry
  • Use fresh chopped leaves in addition to lettuce in Tacos
  • Add leaves to boost your home made Guacamole
  • Use instead of Basil for an alternative in making Pesto. Extra tip freeze your pesto in silicon muffin trays then bag them up in the freezer so you can add to your cooking on demand.
  • Coriander pairs very well with Lime Juice in most dishes

Order your Coriander today.

All items listed for $7.50 are available at a discount of 3 for $20 when paying with cash or Bitcoin i.e. 1 x Rainbow Chard, 1 x Capsicum and 1 x Carrots = $20.

Please head to www.rainbowomg.com to finalise your orders by 5:00 am Friday morning. All orders will be delivered from 1:00 pm Friday starting in Rainbow. 

We look forward to serving you,

Evan and Jill Young

2 thoughts on “Rainbow OMG Weekly Post 3/5/23”

  1. Goodmorning…
    I just viewed your video. Very insightful and every word resonated with me . Thankyou I have just purchased a house in Yaapeet . I am stuck living in Frankston for while due to unalterable commitments and you have second every opinion, I have had regarding, “new beginnings”, .
    I am rejuvenated , I have my second wind.
    Again thankyou very much.

    1. Hello Paul,

      Thank you for your comment. We are glad that you resonated with some of Jill’s words and that you have purchased a house in Yaapeet. We would love you to drop in at the farm in Rainbow when you are visiting your Yaapeet home next and seeing you often when you actually get to move out here. A lot of good people seem to be attracted to moving to this area in the last few years and more are always welcome.

      Cheers, Evan Young

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